Even Mild Coronavirus Cases Can Result In Lifelong Lung Damage

The Mind Of The Covidiot

There is a new term that has arrived and its one of my favorites that I have ever heard. This term is called the Covidiot! I find this term to be very precise when describing someone who does not follow the rules or guidelines when it comes to our ongoing pandemic concerning COVID19. Covidiots do not like to social distance, they do not follow advice from doctors and disease experts and even their own government. Covidiots think everything is a conspiracy, and they would rather have the country open back up and people go back to work while people are still dying in mass numbers from COVID19.

As a covidiot you may not understand that social distancing and closures of businesses are essential to stopping community spread of the coronavirus. Flattening the curve is a concept that prevents the number of infections from accelerating too quickly and overwhelming our medical systems. Social distancing also protects the more vulnerable and those with comorbidities from dying in higher numbers from COVID19. The fact that we have seen those numbers come down means that the worst-case scenarios have been avoided due to social distancing and the business closures implemented by our government.

So why are covidiots protesting all over our country with a request to go on with life as usual in the middle of a pandemic? Ignorance runs deep and has a viral way of spreading. People prefer to hear from those who align with their belief systems rather than those who are masters on the topic with doctorates. These experts do active research and publish peer-reviewed studies that they themselves have conducted along with a team of professionals from around the globe.

So let’s say that you catch this virus and do not die, there are now recovered patients who are athletes such as divers and runners who have permanent lung damage. This permanent lung damage will forever prevent them from doing the sports that they love. In other words you do not want this virus even if you survive because you may never be the same. It’s like saying yeah you can survive being shot, but why get shot when you can avoid? Some may recover and be fine but others may suffer permanent damage, and at worst lose their lives.

Vitamin D and Immunity, Lots of Evidence

There has been enormous controversy as to why Black and Hispanic communities have been suffering disproportionately with SARS COVID19. Headlines have been plastered everywhere of Blacks and Hispanics dying at higher rates. Many reasons that have been alluded to are disproportionate access to medical care, having low wages or essential jobs where the likelihood of working in close quarters with other infected people increases. The news is all about sensationalism for the sake of selling headlines. At many times this could leave the reader with more questions than answers, and even cause more harm than good by sowing the seeds for racism and division.

So what is really behind the statistical truth that people with darker skin are turning up with higher rates of COVID19 deaths and hospitalizations? Dr. John Campbell gave a great video on “Vitamin D and Immunity, Lots of Evidence”. Dr. John Campbell brought light to the fact that 40% of people in northern latitudes are Vitamin D deficient with a greater emphasis on darker skin. Darker skin absorbs less vitamin D especially at northern latitudes where the sun is weaker. He observed that the Samilian communities in Scandinavia are also dying at higher rates compared to their lighter-skinned neighbors in the same communities. It is known that those who have lower amounts of Vitamin D have a harder time fighting off upper respiratory infections. Therefore people with darker skin should be taking a vitamin D supplement in Northern latitudes such as the United States and Europe. If you are of lighter skin and you do not get sunlight you still should be taking a Vitamin D supplement to ward off upper respiratory infection which will leave you better equipped to fight off COVID19. Though having lighter skin leaves you at an advantage at absorbing Vitamin D more effectively in Northern latitudes than those with darker skin, this does not excuse you from having a Vitamin D deficiency it just leaves you at a lower likelihood of having that affliction.

With that being said, I feel that Covid19 will not hit Africa as hard as it did in the Northern latitudes because sunlight there is focused and abundant where even the darkest skin will receive enough Vitamin D while blocking most harmful UVA and UVB radiation which will help in fighting off upper respiratory infections. I conclude this is another reason why Australia may also be doing so well with COVID19, (abundance of sunlight and high vitamin D absorption). The darker-skinned you are, the more you will need to take a supplement in northern latitudes seasonally and seek sunlight during the summer months.

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How to Bake Ketogenic Brownies

The Keto Diet is all the rage right now. With that being said there are a lot of opportunities to try new recipes that revolve around this topic. Check out the new vlog and let me know if you whip up any Keto Brownies and how you liked them. Talk soon, enjoy.