Biden Says Covid protocol over May 11th

With Covid Protocol ending in a few short months, what does it mean for our world? What does this mean for our country? The United States begin opening back up in 2021. With almost 2 years since this period behind us, what will change with this declaration? Will all the testing sites disappear? Will there be no more demands to see vaccine cards?

As a SAG actor, I must test before each production. This is literally a part of my life while living in what has been called the new normal. Maybe this was the new normal 1.0 and we will soon experience the new normal 2.0. Only time will tell!

President Biden to End COVID-19 Emergencies on May 11 (

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind by Marcus William Morris, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind: Morris, Marcus William: 9798823005876: Books

China’s Population Decline for the first time in Decades!

China’s population has entered a period of precipitous fall for the first time in decades. This is due partially to China’s one-child policy which ended in 2015. China has had a very strict covid 19 lockdown policy which was lifted due to a very rare country-wide protest. During the month of December China has seen over 60,000 deaths due to covid. By and large, China has not vaccinated in population and depended on lockdowns to control the virus. This left the Chinese population with no natural immunity to new and old variants. There fore they are dying at pre-herd immunity and population vaccination rates and over 5,000 deaths a day is further driving a population decline in China.

China’s population falls for first time in decades, hampering its economic rise (

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind by Marcus William Morris, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind: Morris, Marcus William: 9798823005876: Books

How to BBQ The Best Corned Beef Brisket of 2020

I just BBQed the best Corn Beef brisket of 2020, and also the best-corned beef brisket I ever had. Do you want to learn how to bbq on an open wood fire? I bet you do, and it’s also great survival skills. Check out the video below you will love it.

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind by Marcus William Morris, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind: Morris, Marcus William: 9798823005876: Books

Duck’s on Fire

Have you ever tried to roast a duck over a wood fire and have it go up in flames? Well, I just tried it and it was a lot of fun and very funny. Surprisingly it still tastes really good. just look past the charred skin and take a bite.

The book can be purchased at
Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind by Marcus William Morris, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind: Morris, Marcus William: 9798823005876: Books

Book Overview!

Lack And The Art Of Deprogramming! –

Collard Greens and Chestnut Mushrooms

Deer, Woodchucks and Mulberries. The woods could really be a magical place sometimes, as long as you don’t stay after dark. Then who knows what can happens. Roast up some fresh grown collard greens and chestnut mushrooms with me. I’m sure you will enjoy the amazing home grown flavors.

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind by Marcus William Morris, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Lack and the Art of Deprogramming: A Brief Look at the Universe and Our Mental State from Inside the Human Mind: Morris, Marcus William: 9798823005876: Books

Study: Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to COVID-19 mortality — how a common vitamin could become pivotal

Vitamin D and the benefits it has for our immune system are now going mainstream. It has been known for quite some time that Vitamin D helps immune functions and is essential in fighting upper respiratory infections. Upper respiratory infections come from many different types of Coronaviruses including the common cold and the Flu. But confirming that vitamin D will help in combatting the coronavirus has gotten off to a slow start. Data has been released which confirms that individuals with vitamin D deficiency have a higher mortality rate.

It’s possible that many deaths could have been averted had this information had been shared liberally from the start. Most people living in northern latitudes are vitamin D deficient, and the darker your skin the more your skin filters the sun’s radiation and resulting in lower absorption of vitamin D. At midday you typically need 10-30 mins of sunlight exposure without sunscreen. The darker your skin the more time you need to spend in the sun to absorb the same amount of vitamin D. A study has revealed that 30 minutes of midday summer sun exposure in Oslo, Norway was equivalent to consuming 10,000–20,000 IU of vitamin D. We only need about 600 IU of Vitamin D per day. When it comes to Vitamin D absorption you can wear a hat and sunglasses and keep your face covered. But you want to keep as much of the rest of your skin exposed as possible.

One of the most disturbing headlines as of late is the higher frequency of which Black and Hispanic people are dying of the Coronavirus. It is well known that Black and Hispanic people are more deficient in vitamin D which may correlate in the higher statistical outcome in death rates due to the Coronavirus. As a Black male in America I have always noticed how Blacks and other minorities may avoid the sun to maintain a lighter skin tone, which came from centuries of racial trauma and mistreatment which in turn set having lighter skin as the beauty standard. But in the age of a deadly pandemic this mindset needs to be abolished and all shades of skin must step into the sun for our health and survival. We need Vitamin D like a plant that needs its Chlorophyll.

If the coronavirus pandemic marks the collapse of civilization, would we know? Experts weigh in.

The Trojan Horse

I just recently encountered one of the most intriguing articles I have ever read concerning today’s situation. As many of you may already know unless you were just born or waking up from a coma, we have been experiencing a pandemic. Covid19 has swept the globe and caused tremendous upheavals the world over. To get to the point, every single civilization that came before us has collapsed. We would have to be naive to believe that our very own civilization will not one day meet its demise.

So the question that prevails is if our civilization was collapsing, to never rise again to its forgone glory days, would we indeed notice? Presumptively no! It is highly doubtful that the citizens living during the height of the Roman Empire, The Egyptians during the age of its great Pharaohs, and the Mayans had any idea that they were in its last days. Though they all have collapsed for totally different reasons.

Our Civilization bears a closer resemblance to the Romans and Egyptians. During their great fall there was a decline in literacy, and the passing around of homogeneous state unifying information. Similar to what we see happening today in America, as many fact-based sources of information lose funding, such as newspapers and scientific publishing.

The utter distrust and disdain for fact-based information may be our unraveling. The cohesion of the state is compromised because everyone has different information. Some of this diversity in information can be described as alternative facts. Alternative facts usually support beliefs that favor a party or an affiliation rather than any kind of supportive data.

Troy fell because of a Trojan Horse! When Donald Trump took office. One of the first things he did was disband the funding and research his predecessor former President Barrack Obama put into place to prevent the spread of current and future endemics and pandemics. From this point on, the United States was made vulnerable to a Trojan Horse. Four years later the Trojan Horse is now causing havoc within our borders.

Will this be the end before aware unaware eyes? The government has promised that the economy will reopen and things will get back to a new and pleasant normal. But has the Trojan horse already done to much irreparable damage, and will Americans get their jobs back? With the hundreds and maybe even thousands of business filing for bankruptcy in the near future, it just may be too late. And we just may be living through one of the greatest collapses of the greatest empires ever seen called the United States and thanks to one little virus COVID19 and the viral spread of misinformation in right-wing populist politics.

HOW TO KEEP THE CORONAVIRUS OUT OF YOUR HOUSE–I’m a Surgeon–Giving You Real Tips Docs Are Using

Dr. Duc C Vuong is an amazing weight loss surgeon who has an outstanding youtube vlog on the Corona Virus. He holds no information back and gives it to you based on what his Medical Degree calls for and does not soften the blow. Pure facts are all that matters during times like this. I recommend that you check out all of his videos to be fully informed on the Pandemic.

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How the coronavirus death toll compares to other pandemics, including SARS, HIV, and the Black Death

The Corona Virus is a topic of the ages! I constantly heard comments on how benign it is. How its nothing but a Flu! How other epidemics and pandemics have been worse. But are these things true? Has the entire world been overreacting to a simple and feeble Corona Virus? Are millions of people totally and completely out of touch with reality? One of the many quotes by the U.S. President Donald J Trump was to “treat this Virus like a Flu”. He repeated the mantra that this will be gone in a week or so and that we will be back in business. Trump has been forced to walk back on many of his statements since this time and has left much of the country at a loss as to the seriousness of the situation. Donald J Trump has even gone as far as to call the Corona Virus a “Democratic hoax”.

The Pandemic being called a “Democratic Hoax” which was waged so that Trump loses his reelection is a damning condemnation to the credibility of the seriousness of the event at hand. This condemnation of the issue became a partisan issue, while in reality is a dangerous and devastating non-partisan health issue. What also exacerbates the situation is the fact that Corona Virus has first struck hardest in more left-leaning parts of the country. Which left the areas of the country who lean right largely inundated with conspiracy theories which proclaim the illegitimacy of the Pandemic at hand. One thing that scientists and all medical professionals understand is that denial and wishful thinking do absolutely nothing to stop Pandemics. Those states that largely find themselves free of the plight and horrors of the virus will have their reckoning in the coming days and weeks. Denial and conspiracies will no longer bring the comfort it once brought to those delusional minds infected with dangerous partisan politics. A rude awakening is at hand that I wish on no one. But we were warned by scientists, and medical professionals who risk their lives on the front lives of this battle to take control of our collective invisible enemy. Our battle is not with eachother. This war will not be won clawing at each other’s throats through political posturing and jousting. This war will be won by making an about-face and staring with a magnified collective focus at our collective microscopic enemy. We shall not allow this enemy to confuse our language and turn us against one another as if we were the denizens building the tower of Babel. We shall bind together again with one language and one tongue to put our minds together to defeat this Viral killer.

Covid-19 Accumulated over 44,000 deaths in only 3 months for a bit of perspective!