If the coronavirus pandemic marks the collapse of civilization, would we know? Experts weigh in.

The Trojan Horse

I just recently encountered one of the most intriguing articles I have ever read concerning today’s situation. As many of you may already know unless you were just born or waking up from a coma, we have been experiencing a pandemic. Covid19 has swept the globe and caused tremendous upheavals the world over. To get to the point, every single civilization that came before us has collapsed. We would have to be naive to believe that our very own civilization will not one day meet its demise.

So the question that prevails is if our civilization was collapsing, to never rise again to its forgone glory days, would we indeed notice? Presumptively no! It is highly doubtful that the citizens living during the height of the Roman Empire, The Egyptians during the age of its great Pharaohs, and the Mayans had any idea that they were in its last days. Though they all have collapsed for totally different reasons.

Our Civilization bears a closer resemblance to the Romans and Egyptians. During their great fall there was a decline in literacy, and the passing around of homogeneous state unifying information. Similar to what we see happening today in America, as many fact-based sources of information lose funding, such as newspapers and scientific publishing.

The utter distrust and disdain for fact-based information may be our unraveling. The cohesion of the state is compromised because everyone has different information. Some of this diversity in information can be described as alternative facts. Alternative facts usually support beliefs that favor a party or an affiliation rather than any kind of supportive data.

Troy fell because of a Trojan Horse! When Donald Trump took office. One of the first things he did was disband the funding and research his predecessor former President Barrack Obama put into place to prevent the spread of current and future endemics and pandemics. From this point on, the United States was made vulnerable to a Trojan Horse. Four years later the Trojan Horse is now causing havoc within our borders.

Will this be the end before aware unaware eyes? The government has promised that the economy will reopen and things will get back to a new and pleasant normal. But has the Trojan horse already done to much irreparable damage, and will Americans get their jobs back? With the hundreds and maybe even thousands of business filing for bankruptcy in the near future, it just may be too late. And we just may be living through one of the greatest collapses of the greatest empires ever seen called the United States and thanks to one little virus COVID19 and the viral spread of misinformation in right-wing populist politics.
