How the coronavirus death toll compares to other pandemics, including SARS, HIV, and the Black Death

The Corona Virus is a topic of the ages! I constantly heard comments on how benign it is. How its nothing but a Flu! How other epidemics and pandemics have been worse. But are these things true? Has the entire world been overreacting to a simple and feeble Corona Virus? Are millions of people totally and completely out of touch with reality? One of the many quotes by the U.S. President Donald J Trump was to “treat this Virus like a Flu”. He repeated the mantra that this will be gone in a week or so and that we will be back in business. Trump has been forced to walk back on many of his statements since this time and has left much of the country at a loss as to the seriousness of the situation. Donald J Trump has even gone as far as to call the Corona Virus a “Democratic hoax”.

The Pandemic being called a “Democratic Hoax” which was waged so that Trump loses his reelection is a damning condemnation to the credibility of the seriousness of the event at hand. This condemnation of the issue became a partisan issue, while in reality is a dangerous and devastating non-partisan health issue. What also exacerbates the situation is the fact that Corona Virus has first struck hardest in more left-leaning parts of the country. Which left the areas of the country who lean right largely inundated with conspiracy theories which proclaim the illegitimacy of the Pandemic at hand. One thing that scientists and all medical professionals understand is that denial and wishful thinking do absolutely nothing to stop Pandemics. Those states that largely find themselves free of the plight and horrors of the virus will have their reckoning in the coming days and weeks. Denial and conspiracies will no longer bring the comfort it once brought to those delusional minds infected with dangerous partisan politics. A rude awakening is at hand that I wish on no one. But we were warned by scientists, and medical professionals who risk their lives on the front lives of this battle to take control of our collective invisible enemy. Our battle is not with eachother. This war will not be won clawing at each other’s throats through political posturing and jousting. This war will be won by making an about-face and staring with a magnified collective focus at our collective microscopic enemy. We shall not allow this enemy to confuse our language and turn us against one another as if we were the denizens building the tower of Babel. We shall bind together again with one language and one tongue to put our minds together to defeat this Viral killer.

Covid-19 Accumulated over 44,000 deaths in only 3 months for a bit of perspective!



The Importance of Preparedness!

We all think that we are all ready for what is coming until shit really hits the fan and we are blindsided by shocking events. Currently, the Corona Virus is ravaging America, and the World at large. Food supplies are running low at supermarkets, the stock market is at record lows and who knows how long this economic and health catastrophe will last. I’d like to offer my readers some security, As many of you have seen my youtube videos, I have started a garden and begin to prepare for leaner times. Even if the worst-case scenario doesn’t happen at least you have a ready freshly grown food supply growing on your very own property. I highly recommend that you do all you can to prepare for the economic situation the world is heading into. Protect yourself and protect your family.


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